Canned pear shortage?
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/30/2015 8:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Roy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 12:54:54 AM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Someone in this house likes the little cans of pears to eat with
>>>> cottage
>>>> cheese. I normally buy them at Albertsons but two different stores
>>>> were
>>>> out. Totally out. They had other sizes of canned pears and the
>>>> small cans
>>>> of all other fruits. I remembered that I had bought some at Big
>>>> Lots. I
>>>> went there today and they did have them but in heavy syrup. The eater
>>>> prefers in juice or light syrup. Other stores such as Walmart do not
>>>> carry
>>>> the little cans. Yes, I know I could buy other sized cans or the
>>>> little
>>>> plastic cups. And I have. But this person wants the little cans.
>>>> Have you
>>>> seen these in your area?
>>> No...have not found them or want them.
>>> Why not tell your anonymous person to buy his/her own cans of pears and
>>> make your life less complicated. You should learn to say NO or I can't
>>> find them and make it final? You are never going to satisfy everyone
>>> in your home and especially those anonymous ones we can't identify
>>> but who live there with you apparently.
>>> ====
>> Why not mind your own business? You don't know. You could have left it
>> at that.
> Why do you post this stuff if you want everyone to butt out? We don't
> actually care if your daughter or your husband will only eat small cans of
> canned pears. You're the one inviting commentary.
I asked specifically if anyone else is having trouble finding this size of
canned pears. Apparently, nobody here buys them at all. It wouldn't matter
what I had said. Someone would have made something of it. I well know that
I can buy pears in all sorts of can sizes. I am not stupid. That is the
size that I wanted so that's what I asked about.
Apparently I can't ask anything here, even if it is food related. People
are going to make a big to do and tell of other things that I could be
doing, as though I am stupid and can't figure things out.