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Tomato Season
On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 7:05:01 AM UTC-4, Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jul 2015 03:37:13 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
> >On Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 6:35:01 PM UTC-4, Boron Elgar wrote:
> >> The garden is laden with tomatoes this season and they are beginning
> >> to come in like gangbusters. The timing could not be more perfect, as
> >> the harvest is coinciding with the dog days of summer.
> >
> >I've got a few starting to blush. Regrettably, my San Marzano plant
> >is suffering from blossom-end rot, so I'm pretty gloomy about its
> >chances. It must be extra-sensitive to soil calcium; it's growing
> >right next to a German Johnson that isn't having any problems at all.
> >
> >Cindy Hamilton
> I have been having a discussion about this in one of the gardening
> groups and am beginning to think it is as much variety sensitivity as
> the calcium.
> Those large red-green stripey things in that photo are Pink Berkeley
> Tie Dyes. They seem particularly sensitive to BER, while those plants
> on either side just laugh and point at them. Oh, the Tie Dyes are
> sensitive to wilt/blight, too.
> I generally plant ~15 varieties, so if conditions are not right for
> one or two, I still have some yield. If you are seeking interesting
> varieties in tomato plants, try this woman in Lomita, CA. She is
> remarkable and well known - so well so that she starts taking next
> year's order this upcoming week.
> If you want to grow them from seed:
> I order a lot of my seed this time of year. Great bargains and the
> difference in germination rates is not noticeable.
Cindy Hamilton