On 31 Jul 2015 14:17:06 GMT, notbob wrote:
> Or is it about what this newsgroup seems to have devolved into, which
> is a mean spirited name-calling troll fest, where everyone has become
> increasingly negative. No wonder so many old-timers have bailed.
Hi. Speaking as a "new-timer", I hazard to point out that this newsgroup
seems to be less mean-spirited than most other such name-calling usenet
troll fests. (i.e. what passes for usenet discourse nowadays.)
I came here for these main reasons:
1 - Many other groups are dead / dying. This one seems to have maintained a
decent audience despite a plethora of www-based cooking resources.
2 - I like to cook. More specifically, I like to eat, and I like to
experiment. These can be easily combined into the art of cooking.
3 - I like the de-centralized "authority" of this medium. Every reader is
also a contributing editor of equal standing. Every reader can also adjust
the priority of other readers via the kill-file mechanism.