On 8/1/2015 4:30 AM, Roy wrote:
> On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 11:42:28 AM UTC-6, Directorate of Troll Removal and Disposal wrote:
>> On 7/31/2015 10:59 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >, says...
>>>> I always get what I want. It might take awhile but I don't settle for less.
>>>> You can do what you want.
>>> Your miserable complaining everything-ALWAYS-goes-wrong existence in
>>> that dismal house is just what you always wanted?
>>> Janet UK
>> Why don't you **** OFF and leave her alone, you yellow-toothed,
>> vinegar-titted old limey bitch!
> Vinegar-titted?...really? That I have yet to experience. Where are they
> available?...fish and chip shops perhaps? That would be convenient.
> ====
As Jeb Bush prepares for his imminent presidential campaign, the
American people must keep in mind just who this man is and the crimes he
committed rigging the 2000 presidential election, which put his brother
George W. in the Oval Office, set us on the road to the Iraq War, the
Great Recession, destroyed America’s standing in the world, altered
American history forever.
Jeb Bush just so happened to be the Governor of Florida during that
election, and as you may recall, the Florida vote was so close that
recounts were requested and eventually declared his brother the winner.
Katherine Harris, Jeb’s secretary of state and the co-chair of the
George W. campaign, organized the election system that somehow ended up
losing or spoiling the ballots of hundreds of thousands of
African-American voters, who just so coincidentally tend to vote
Democratic. During the recount period, it is documented that the
Governor’s office made 95 calls to the Bush campaign- calls which Jeb
somehow “cannot remember” the reason for. That answer is unacceptable
for allegations of such importance. Why can’t you remember, Jeb?