Grandpa's Favorite Foods
On Sat, 01 Aug 2015 09:09:44 -0400, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 8/1/2015 8:00 AM, ChattyCathy wrote:
>> All my grandparents had passed on by the time I was about 6 or 7 - and
>> I never met any of them - but my Dad used to love 'stuffed cabbage
>> leaves'; he used to stuff them with a mixture of ground beef, onions,
>> garlic and carrots (IIRC) - which he said his Mom used to make and was
>> one of his father's favourites.
> All the old babushkas I knew added rice to their stuffed cabbage.
He referred to them as 'galumkis' (no idea how it's really spelled - but
that's what it sounded like to me when I was a kid). And yes, rice also
rings a bell... also think there might have been some bread crumbs
involved in the stuffing too.
Chatty Cathy