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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Grandpa's Favorite Foods

Brooklyn1 wrote in

> On Sat, 01 Aug 2015 14:00:08 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Jul 2015 15:09:07 -0700, Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >
> >> So seeing Sheldon's garden pix got me all nostalgic about when I

> was a >> kid. A childhood memory was some of the food that my
> Midwestern small >> town grandparents routinely ate in the late 50's
> and into the 60's, some >> now seem a bit "old - fashioned" to me
> (but grandpa lived 1876 -> >> 1965!). Here are some:
> >>
> >> - ring baloney

> >
> > OK, I hafta ask, what's 'ring' baloney? (as opposed to 'normal'
> > baloney - which is known as 'polony' in my neck of the woods...)

> Ring bologna is the same recipe as other bologna, only its
> configuration is different, and it's ends are tied together to form a
> ring. Naturally every sausage maker makes bologna by different
> recipes... here's Rytek Kutas' version:
> I like ring bologna prepared thusly (with hard boiled eggs too), makes
> a great meal with beer as your vegetable:
>, eaten on the nights you
> will sleep alone.
> > All my grandparents had passed on by the time I was about 6 or 7 -
> > and I never met any of them - but my Dad used to love 'stuffed
> > cabbage leaves'; he used to stuff them with a mixture of ground
> > beef, onions, garlic and carrots (IIRC) - which he said his Mom
> > used to make and was one of his father's favourites.
> >
> > Unfortunately, being a cabbage hater, I didn't like them and don't
> > make them myself. Stuffed bell peppers, OTOH - are really good.

> I like both. I've discovered that those who abhor stuffed cabbage
> have tried very poor versions... most people don't know how to make
> stuffed cabbage because they think it's a way to cook cheaply... good
> stuffed cabbage contains good ground beef (home ground) and NO rice,
> NONE! Cabbage with rice is an ultimate TIADer... gotta be some
> chemical reaction what makes the combo DisGusting.

Wrong Sheldon, it requires however the right spicing to make Klumpkies
(clumpkies, galumpies etc. spelling).

Rice is required and must be made right for the dish. This isnt a time
for sticky rice for example.

