On Sun, 02 Aug 2015 10:00:38 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 8:20:57 AM UTC-4, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> > I had to chuck 8-10 really big tomatoes yesterday because of a chomp
>> > on the bottom or the side facing away. Drives me mad.
>> One year I had a woodchuck that would come around and bite a
>> bunch of green tomatoes. I was as if he bit the first one,
>> said "Yuck, I'll try another one." Lather, rinse, repeat.
>Here's the solution to a woodchuck in the garden problem. (if they
>burrow underneath a fence.)
>Picture of me, 1979 with a 30-30. It was a one-shot kill from about 80
>yards. It was destroying my inlaws garden.
> http://i62.tinypic.com/32zj0ud.jpg
>This was my last ever kill. To sad for me ever since.
Wouldja look at them locks... what a girly Gary! LOL
Since I've adopted the feral cats I have no more critter problems, and
since I cut a small hole in the garden's wire fence the ferals are
patroling in their constanly. The only damaged tomatoes I see are
from insects... just eat around the worm. Even the resident Woody, as
big as it's grown, is very wary of my ferals. There's a small entry
hole at the corner of teh one car detached garage I use as a gardening
shed. Woody used to spend time in there especially in inclement
weather but now the ferals hijacked it and won't grant Woody entry.
Click on the picture, then click on Raw Image, the picture will
enlarge and you'll see the hole. Often those ferals hunt as a pack of
six, I've seen them gang up on large racoons and possums and drive
them off... only the skunks get a pass. However the past few days the
Canada geese flock has grown to about a hundred, cats give those
honkers wide berth.