Really good soup!
I just made some really good bean soup but I am eating it warm and not hot
because it is still stinking hot in here. Temp. is supposed to drop about
10 degrees tomorrow but that is still about 10 degrees hotter than normal.
I had some tomatoes that I needed to use up. Bought to eat them raw but
just haven't felt like eating much of anything. Even having trouble eating
this soup despite it being so good! I didn't really measure anything but I
put in about 5 medium sized tomatoes, chopped, seeds, juice and all, three
cans of beans (dark red kidney, white, small red), 1 large white onion,
chopped, couple of handful of carrot chips, broken into smaller pieces
(these are just raw carrots cut on an angle and with ripples), 2 ribs of
celery, diced, 1 green bell pepper, chopped and some dried bell pepper in
assorted colors. Also two small boxes of vegetable broth and a small can of
tomato sauce. Seasonings were just black pepper, parsley and cumin. Didn't
have to add any bacon or other fat or any lemon or lime juice. Just