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>"jmcquown" writes:
>>Orion wrote:
>>> "jmcquown" wrote:
>>> I went to buy some large eggs. I always open the carton to make
>>> sure they aren't cracked or broken. I noticed in every single
>>> instance, random checking of the cartons, all the *large* eggs
>>> appear to be quite a bit smaller than usual. Has anyone else run
>>> across this? Any idea why?

>> I've been noticing this for awhile. Now I buy extra large or jumbo
>> as large eggs.
>> Suzan

>Indeed. The extra large and jumbo bring a greater price at the store. I'm
>not a subscriber to conspiracy theories but... hmmm

Yoose are just getting old... need yer eyes examined... in the US eggs are
actually sold by weight, with the larger eggs generally commanding a premium
price... a dozen Large eggs are the same size they've always been, 1 1/2 pounds
a dozen. I buy eggs by weight to price... Med. eggs are most often the best
buy. The only conspiracy is that of the consumers conspiring against
themselves, by demanding Large eggs regardless of price per dozen... because
that's what their stoopid recipes say... and they don't cook well enough to
know to interpolate and substitute. Commercial bakeries buy the smallest eggs
(and pay the least per pound) because their recipes indicate eggs by volume.

American Egg Board

Sizes are classified according to minimum net weight expressed in ounces per

Jumbo 30 oz.., Extra Large 27 oz., Large 24 oz., Medium 21 oz., Small 18 oz.
and Peewee 15 oz.

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