Really good soup!
On Sun, 2 Aug 2015 20:39:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>I just made some really good bean soup but I am eating it warm and not hot
>because it is still stinking hot in here. Temp. is supposed to drop about
>10 degrees tomorrow but that is still about 10 degrees hotter than normal.
>I had some tomatoes that I needed to use up. Bought to eat them raw but
>just haven't felt like eating much of anything. Even having trouble eating
>this soup despite it being so good! I didn't really measure anything but I
>put in about 5 medium sized tomatoes, chopped, seeds, juice and all, three
>cans of beans (dark red kidney, white, small red), 1 large white onion,
>chopped, couple of handful of carrot chips, broken into smaller pieces
>(these are just raw carrots cut on an angle and with ripples), 2 ribs of
>celery, diced, 1 green bell pepper, chopped and some dried bell pepper in
>assorted colors. Also two small boxes of vegetable broth and a small can of
>tomato sauce. Seasonings were just black pepper, parsley and cumin. Didn't
>have to add any bacon or other fat or any lemon or lime juice. Just
What, no stinkin' bacon? I'd have added a half pound of tube steak
coins... yesterday I bought a 40 ounce package of skinless all beef
Sabrett, $12.00 on sale in town... 33 dawgs to the pack, froze em 8 to
the one pint zip-loc, one got 9, laid across the top. I prefer tube
steak to bacon in soup any day, especially bean soup.