Copycat IHOP Pancake Recipe.
On 2015-08-04 3:31 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 8/4/2015 11:18 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2015-08-04 9:14 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>> But who tastes their pancakes before adding syrup? I know I sure
>>>>> don't.
>>>> Me either. Pancakes are a convenient syrup delivery vehicle.
>>> Really, except at home, the syrup is real. I assume what
>>> I get at a breakfast chain is not expensive stuff.
>> My bad experiences with pancake specialty restaurants is not just the
>> low quality syrup. The pancakes themselves are horrible. Pancakes are
>> easy enough to make.... flour, salt, baking powder, a little sugar, some
>> eggs, milk and oil. It takes about a minute to whip up a batch. These
>> guys seem to want to dumb it down to reduce costs and so that the
>> minimum wage staff can't screw them up too badly.
> I never order pancakes out. I order a waffle if I want something
> like that and hope for a good one. I generally get acceptable.
> You'd think breakfast places would get breakfast foods right.
That is what gets me. They specialize in pancakes. They should be good.
They charge enough for them. Give people real syrup. It is little
wonder that so many pancake specialty restaurants go belly up.