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Japhy Ryder Japhy Ryder is offline
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Default How we went from beef on the hoof to mystery meat in a box

On 8/4/2015 7:27 PM, cshenk wrote:
> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote in
>> On Monday, August 3, 2015 at 1:44:50 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
>>> John Kuthe wrote in
>>>> On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 10:49:33 -0400, Brooklyn1
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Travis McGee wrote:
>>>>>> meat -20150802-story.html
>>>>>> How we went from beef on the hoof to mystery meat in a box
>>>>>> By Anastacia Marx de Salcedo
>>>>> <gibberish snipped>
>>>>> That article was obviously written by someone who never served
>>>>> in the US military. The US military is served the finast USDA
>>>>> graded beef possible, they get the best of the best, chosen way
>>>>> ahead of anyone else, no restaurant on the planet gets better
>>>>> beef, same for pork and chicken... there is no mystery meat,
>>>>> none. What most altered how we eat is modern refrigeration.
>>>> So Sheldpon, you're obviously a military brat, how did it get
>>>> called Shit On A Shingle if the beef in that ostensibly creamed
>>>> chipped beef was such great beef?
>>>> John Kuthe...
>>> Hey John,
>>> Sheldon served in Korean war time (1, maybe 2 tours). It changed.
>>> We did get decent stuff, but it wasn't the super expensive sorts
>>> later on.

>> There's nothing horrible about it, and many of us *food slum*, often
>> for reasons tied up with nostalgia.
>>> Chipped beef done right is actually not only quite good, it's a
>>> tradition

>> Again, nostalgia.
>>> and sailors like it (grin).

>> And you like sailors
>>> Carol

>> --Bryan

> Of course I like sailors. I am one.
> Carol, USN RET 26 years (13 years at sea)

Thank you for your service.