Guacamole Dip with Cilantro!
George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional
Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as €śOperation Brownstone
and Operation Brownstar€ť, and later to become known as €śThe Finders or
The Franklin Coverup€ť. U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak
children over to Senator Barney Franks condo, known as a €śBrownstone€ť
to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S.
Senators €” some willing and some unwilling participants €” got a taste of
the €śVoodoo Drug€ť in their drink.
To prove a case, you need one that was involved in an operation or a
witness or documents; in this case, U.S. Customs documents prove the
case without getting anyone still living killed. Inside the (scribd)
document below is an article that appeared in US News and World report
December 27 1993, entitled €śThrough a Glass Very Darkly€ť. This includes
cops, spies and a very old investigation €” also copies of the U.S.
Customs Reports where the names are not blacked out.