Accidental chicken jerky
I wasn't feeling well due to what I now suspect is a migraine. Thankfully,
the homeopathic Zyclear that I bought seemed to knock it out at least
temporarily. But I didn't try it until later.
So... I put two chicken breast halves on to cook. I wasn't going to eat
that and I opted not to even make what I was going to make for myself
because my stomach wasn't right. Anyway... I had set the timer for when I
thought the chicken might be done. Was talking on the phone when the timer
went off. Chicken wasn't done. Stayed in the kitchen, watching it, then
thought I had turned the burner off.
Came back in here and continued talking on the phone. Kept thinking I could
smell chicken cooking and eventually smelled something burning. Angela then
went in to get herself some dinner because she didn't want the chicken. I
heard her holler, "Should the burner be on?" Oops!
By this point, I think the chicken had been cooking for another hour or so.
I think I must have had it on a very low heat though because although it got
blackened on the one side and dried out enough that only a desperate person
might eat it. I think the pan will be okay.
That will teach me to try to cook when I don't feel well! So when my
husband called and asked what was for dinner, we both told him that there
was no dinner because I had burned it and to stop and pick something up
somewhere. Apparently he didn't believe us because he came home looking for
the dinner. No clue what he ate. But apparently he found something.