On 2015-08-07 15:58:08 +0000, Ophelia said:
> "gtr" > wrote in message news:2015080708495515507-xxx@yyyzzz...
>> I live in one of the most Mexican cities in the USA; Santa Ana,
>> California. You can get myriad types of regional Mexican cuisine here.
>> I've overlooked it for a long time, and this thread has gotten me crazy
>> for going back to some old haunts to eat some of this
>> stuff--particularly tamales and the masa-based foods!
>> Thanks for the reminder!
> Do report back on your findings? Often realities do not live up to
> memories but I really hope they do so for you
O but they do here. Last night I celebrated the conclusion of my
wife's intensive French language classes of the summer by taking her to
a nice restaurant. Among other stuff we got goat taquitos. I couldn't
help but think of your inquiry and so took a picture of it, but it had
already been busted up too badly to post.