Simple high-fiber meals?
On 8/8/2015 4:13 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
The true story of the Bush pedophile ring never has been told that
children from orphanages all across America during the 1980s came to
Washington DC, paid by the US Taxpayers, to unknowingly participate in
the Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring. Daddy Bush, Dick Cheney,
John Sununu, according to sources, would be standing in line to greet
the children and their caretakers as they came to the Vice President’s
Home and or the White House for their specially invited tour at US
Government expense. Bush, Cheney and Sununu would ask, “what’s your
name”, and later just before dinner time, a call from the White House
came into the hotel where the children were staying to the Caretakers
inviting Little Billy, Mary, Johnny, Timmy, and Pam to the White House
State dinner that evening.
The caretakers thought it would be good for the children, since the
White House could not accommodate the entire orphanage. Gunderson and
Pender, who ran the operation, dispatched the limo at Bush’s request,
and the female would take the children to the limo and immediately give
them a Coke or Pepsi with the VOODOO DRUG in it, and they were off to
U.S. Senator Barney Frank’s pad, known as a “Brownstone”.