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Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
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"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"

> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of BWB
canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato sauce in large
quantities on hand day and night because she's pregnant and it's her craving
atm. ;-) Her dad has lots of tomatoes growing that he keeps sending her home
with so you never know ... she might visit those web addresses I gave her
and we'll have another one !
