Diablo peppers
On 10/08/2015 1:35 PM, isw wrote:
> Walking around yesterday (in the north SF bay area), I came across some
> really nice looking pepper plants in a front yard -- probably at least
> four feet high. The peppers were maybe 2 1/2 inches long, thin like
> cayenne or tabasco peppers, with the pointy end up (stem down), and all
> the fruit were completely black.
> Just then, the homeowner came outside, so I asked him what kind of
> peppers they were. "Diablo".
> Well, I love peppers, so when I got home I googled for diablo pepper.
> The descriptions and photos all showed red, not black, fruit, which was
> hanging pointy end down.
We have Thai versions and they are black before they ripen to a red
colour. They start out green, change to a black, finally to a nice red
colour. Did I say the were damn hot?
> So what kind of pepper did this guy have in his front yard? Clearly they
> were being grown for culinary, not decorative, purposes.
> FWIW, I have a strong suspicion that the homeowner's first language was
> Spanish, not English -- not that this matters in any way except that
> there may have been an error in translation.
> Isaac