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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Umami: real or bogus?

On 8/10/2015 1:45 PM, cshenk wrote:
> dsi1 wrote in
>> On Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 7:56:29 AM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote in
>>>> On 8/8/2015 8:54 AM, cshenk wrote:
>>>>> notbob wrote in
>>>>>> On 2015-08-07, dsi1 > wrote:
>>>>>>> You're the one that brings up the idea that umami is not
>>>>>>> real.
>>>>>> Actually, I brought up the idea that the term "umami" may be
>>>>>> unnecessary and was asking for opinions.
>>>>>>> I think that for most Americans, umami is not real.
>>>>>> I think it's only the term "umami" that is unreal for
>>>>>> Americans, despite the fact we've been eating it for decades.
>>>>>> Kinda like the term "shoyu", which I've never heard from
>>>>>> anyone, but yerself, my entire life. I've heard of "umami"
>>>>>> (though I spelled it wrong), but never "shoyu", depite
>>>>>> enjoying my first soy sauce over 60 yrs ago.
>>>>>> nb
>>>>> Smile, actually you see me use it in posted recipes all the
>>>>> time and the term. It's just japanese for soy sauce. More
>>>>> commonly heard in Japan (of course) and Hawaii because they are
>>>>> about 30% Japanese extract.
>>>>> What i did not like in Hawaii was the local shoyu called Aloha.
>>>>> Oddly sweet with less flavor. Preferred brand is a thicker Datu
>>>>> Puti.
>>>>> Carol
>>>> Aloha probably tastes weird to people not raised on the stuff.
>>>> Oddly enough, it's Hawaii's favorite shoyu. As an added bonus,
>>>> it's fairly cheap!
>>>> It was Aloha that invented hydrolyzed shoyu product after the war
>>>> because we needed a lot of shoyu and we wanted it yesterday. And
>>>> the rest is history.
>>> Yup! It tastes sweet and sort of insipidly pallid compared to a
>>> true brew and sorry if that doesnt match what you'd hoped to hear.
>>> I'm not being mean, its just a developed taste to like it.
>>> Conversely you might not like a fuller sort.

>> I expect nothing less than your honest opinion. My point is that we
>> like it and I'm fully aware that it tastes kind of weird. I don't
>> recommend that anybody use Aloha Shoyu unless they were raised on the
>> stuff. If they used Aloha on the table in restaurants on the
>> mainland, people would probably be put off but I'd be as happy as a
>> clam. Possibly they might use Aloha in L&L restaurants on the
>> mainland.
>> People over here also like real shoyu too - Yamasa and of course,
>> Kikkoman. I also like Pearl River Dark soy sauce although it's hard
>> to find. I have to look in Chinese markets and if I'm lucky, there
>> will be a dusty shelf in the back with a forgotten bottle. I use that
>> only for cooking, there's no way I'd have that on the table.
>>> For those who have not tried Aloha Shoyu (hard to find outside
>>> Hawaii), it is a lighter colored, thinner 'soy sauce' with a sweet
>>> undertone. It's not terrible but if you were raised to a deeper
>>> colored thicker version, you might find it just doesnt work.
>>> Conversely recipes from Genuine Hawaiian cookery tend to use it
>>> (unless stated other brand) so be careful to reduce the soy you may
>>> be using if a more full flavored sort. Theirs has the advantage
>>> that it will not overwhelm if you actually dip a whole piece of
>>> meat in it then grill.
>>> One recipe from Hawaii that worked well for us and was Aloha shoyu
>>> specific. Roasted corn brushed all over with aloha. Rather nice!
>>> Carol
>>> --

> Grin, I've sed Kikkoman in a pinch. I really like Datu Puti brand best
> of all. You may be able to find it there too. Pearl River dark isnt
> bad either but Datu Puti suits us to a T.
> Seriously, Aloha does a nifty job witht he corn on the cob though.
> Roasted, you peel it back, dip or mist it then pull the wrapper back
> about and roast it.
> Carol

Boy that sounds kinda goofy - shoyu and corn. I guess I'll have to try
it since you planted that seed in my brain pan.