Shoot Me Now! Again!
On 2015-08-11 01:21:11 +0000, pltrgyst said:
> On 8/10/15 3:08 PM, gtr wrote:
>> I've noted over many years how, one by one, each usenet enclave of
>> enthusiasts on this or that topic eventually collapses.
> ....
>> What's revolting is not that there are jackasses whose only goal in life
>> is disruption and destruction, what's nauseates most is the degree to
>> which well-meaning and interested people are so easily manipulated into
>> facilitating it. Every. Single. Time.
> Just use your killfile liberally, and it's not a problem.
I've got scores of killfile elements, key words, users, all kinds of stuff.
So it *remains* a problem because as stated upstream: The experience is
cluttered with otherwise well-meaning people doing their civil duty by
"shaming", lecturing and generally givin the trolls their deparately
needed handjob. This subverts the topic, and even if I also killfile
the "shamer", the topic poops out because it's clogged with nothing but