Dataw Dinner Special 8/8/2015
Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> >Cats, ferrets, dogs are all carnivores and need a high protein content
> >in their food.
> I need to inform you that dogs are NOT carnivores...
From what I've read, dogs are basically carnivores but have adapted to
be more like omnivores now.
> I don't know
> about ferrets but felines are true carnivores. Wikkipedia says:
> Ferrets are obligate carnivores.[16] The natural diet of their wild
> ancestors consisted of whole small prey—i.e., meat, organs, bones,
> skin, feathers, and fur.[17]
Forgetting dogs, for now...ferret are definitely carnivores like cats.
The both need a high protein diet....40% is optimal.
> Ferrets have short digestive systems and
> quick metabolism, so they need to eat frequently. Prepared dry foods
> consisting almost entirely of meat (including *high-grade cat food*,
> although specialized ferret food is increasingly available and
> preferable)[18] provide the most nutritional value and are the most
> convenient,[19] though some ferret owners feed pre-killed or live prey
> (such as mice and rabbits) to their ferrets to more closely mimic
> their natural diet.[20][21] Ferret digestive tracts lack a cecum and
> the animal is largely unable to digest plant matter.[22] Before much
> was known about ferret physiology, many breeders and pet stores
> recommended food like fruit in the ferret diet, but it is now known
> that such foods are inappropriate, and may in fact have negative
> ramifications on ferret health. Ferrets imprint on their food at
> around six months old. This can make introducing new foods to an older
> ferret a challenge, and even simply changing brands of kibble may meet
> with resistance from a ferret that has never eaten the food as a kit.
> It is therefore advisable to expose young ferrets to as many different
> types and flavors of appropriate food as possible.[23]
Your ferret report is spot on, Sheldon. I would grade your paper an A+
except it's obvious that you only copied all that. For that reason,
I'll give you an A-. heheh
Ferrets DO imprint their food and this is why I always buy a mix of 3
different kinds. If one formula is changed, the ferret still has 2
other tastes that it's used to and will not refuse the new food. You
can slowly get them to eat new things.
I've always offered every food to my ferrets. Most only liked their
ferret food, just like Mia does now. Whenever I eat though, they are
always curious as to what I'm eating. I always let them check it out
and taste anything that sounds appealing. Do I worry about ferret
germs in my food? Not at all.
Raisins are a ferret favorite but you have to soften them first and
cut up very small. Potato chips seem to be a favorite too. I think
it's just the salt on those. Jackie used to love mayo and would lick
it up until I finally stopped her. These things are just occasional
treats though, never given often.