Diablo peppers
On 08/10/2015 09:02 PM, isw wrote:
>> "isw" wrote in message
>> ...
>>> peppers were maybe 2 1/2 inches long, thin like
>>> cayenne or tabasco peppers, with the pointy end up (stem down),
>>> and all
>>> the fruit were completely black.>
>>> Just then, the homeowner came outside, so I asked him what kind
>>> of
>> peppers they were. "Diablo".>
Look these up in Google Images and see what you think about these two:
Black Cobra aka Goat's Weed. Upright, originally from Venezuela. This
ripens from green to black to red. The stems and undersides of the
leaves are fuzzy. Hot, but probably less than a Habanero.
Ot Hiem (Vietnam) aka Devil Pepper or Mean Pepper. Upright, but not
particularly skinny. Mentioned mostly because of the word "Devil" plus,
it's claimed to be pretty spicy.
Also note that the botanical name for both and hundreds of others is
"Capsicum annuum". Since they are the same species, I would expect them
to freely hybridize and cross-breed with other chiles. You might be
looking at a one-of-a-kind cross-breed.