Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> (snip)
> > > (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)
> >
> > And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of
> > BWB canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato
> > growing that he keeps sending her home with so you never know ... she
> > might visit those web addresses I gave her and we'll have another one
> ! > Rachael
> You can put in for a "finder's fee" and I'll have the Father Inquisitor
> review it for payment. Don't hold your breath. Barb
Sheesh, I've been handing out our newsgroup site for weeks ... I oughta
never get limp pickles fer this.
Edrena, back in the loop, presently hypopicklosis