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M&M wrote:

> This is way OT, but bbq is right. Bank Of America told me something just
> like he said. Frankly I can't see BOA arbitrarily eating the mistake. OTOH,
> maybe Travelocity will unbend a little. In the real world, business dates are
> subject to change too. Total inflexibility can't be good for business.

Your right, in that B of A is not going to eat the mistake. The travel
company still has plenty of time though to sell a ticket they sold you.
A cancellation charge of $400 to me seems very unreasonable, given your
wanting to change your reservation(because of an honest mistake) within
24 hours of the original purchase.

Many years ago, I made an Xmas reservation on a super saver rate in
September. Went to purchase the tickets in November, 30 days before
departure (as required on this super saver rate) and was told that I
needed to purchase the tickets the day before, because the 30th day was
a weekend. I argued till I was blue in the face. Not sure how many
levels of supervisors I went through, but do remember that it took me
over an hour to get my tickets. I got my tickets at the super saver rate.

It was a battle for sure. But staying fairly calm and professional,
allowed me to get to a level of supervision that had the authority to
make the decision to 'satisfy a customer'. You start cussing, it's all
over, you lose.

Stay calm, stay professional and you can win. Lose your cool and start
swearing and cussing, you don't have a chance.

See you in October, regardless of the outcome.

Happy Q'en,