On 2015-08-20 15:53:56 +0000, Sqwertz said:
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2015 23:34:10 -0700, gtr wrote:
>> A movie about delicatessen in general and Ziggy of "Kenny & Ziggy's New
>> York Delicatessen" in Houston in particular. Good documentary. It has
>> my endorsement.
>> Preview:
>> http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi563392025
> I wonder how old some of the footage is. They showed Katz deli in
> Austin, but it's been bankrupt for 11 years and closed for at least 5
> years.
I didn't note the Katz in Austin, of which I was unaware. They did
show Katz in NYC, and talked about it being one of three deli's on that
block of Houston street, but the other two had closed.
> The owner was a druggie, then tried to sue his son for running
> the business into the ground even though the restaurant was packed 24
> hours a day. Ran for mayor and lieutenant governor and of course lost
> all three of those endeavors.
> -sw