On 8/21/2015 6:14 PM, koko wrote:
> Happy, happy, happy, joy, joy. I came home from my favorite produce
> purveyor, http://www.specialtyproduce.com/ with two big boxes of the
> most beautiful local produce, and a nice big bag of Hatch NM chiles.
> To my absolute delight, my friend had some fresh from the lake catfish
> waiting for me. Tonight my grill will be busy roasting chiles and
> grilling catfish. I'm one blessed woman.
> Luckily I bought lemons and dill
> https://flic.kr/p/xmUuwA
> koko
> --
> Food is our common ground, a universal experience
> James Beard
Oh yeah, should be a tasty night for sure!
Now you've got me scratching my head for green chile/catfish