Semi-OT - 4 things never to buy at Costco / 5 Things You ShouldBuy at Costco
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Nancy Young[_8_]
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Semi-OT - 4 things never to buy at Costco / 5 Things You ShouldBuy at Costco
On 8/23/2015 12:14 AM,
> The men's underwear Costco sells is garbage, not even outlet mall quality.
I haven't bought that, myself, but that seems to be a problem all
over. You find a good brand, next time you buy it, or the time after
that, and it's gone to crap. I've seen it happen even at very high
end stores. Men's underwear is a pain in the neck.
> Sheets from Costco sound pretty bad, I have never looked at them.
Why do you say they sound bad? They're fine. Some of the sets
I've gotten were my all time favorites. One set I got, the fabric
was a little ... drapey, for lack of a better word, for me. I've
purchased sheets from other places that turned out not to be for
me, too. There wasn't anything wrong with them, just not comfortable
for me and the Prince and the Pea.
And they come with four pillowcases, too. At least, I don't remember
any that didn't.
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Nancy Young[_8_]
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