On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 11:07:08 -0400, Psychotron > wrote:
>Kevintsheehy wrote:
>> On 8/23/2004, Psychotron wrote:
>>>Well... Not exactly ruined, but I think I have to
>>>start over with seasoning. She fried up some sausage
>>>and left the grease standing in it for about 3 days.
>>>She doesn't like my iron skillet and expected me to
>>>clean it. I left it assuming she would do it. I
>>>finally gave in and cleaned it.
>> 3 days? Have you washed the dishes from that meal yet, or
>> are you going to have to throw the dishes away and buy new
>> ones? You do use dishes, don't you?
>She cleaned up everything except for the pan. Like I
>said... she doesn't like it. She wanted me to buy a
>new non-stick pan and I came home with cast iron. Now
>it's kinda "my baby". "You bought it, you clean it."
For under $25 dollars you can get her a very nice non-stick pan. Of
course, she is perfectly capable of purchasing one, too, I suppose.
Buy her one as a present & use yours when you want to & don't put her
in the position of having to use a pan she does not like.