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Dave Smith
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Julia Altshuler wrote:

> what I'm buying before I buy it? I hardly think it's rude to want to
> know the quality of the produce. With the garbage can right there, I
> can accomplish the task of shucking in only a few minutes and feel neat
> and clean about it. Perhaps there is a way to judge an ear without
> shucking it, but since shucking doesn't destroy it either way, I can't
> see where doing so is rude.

Actually, it does have a negative effect on the corn. The husk keeps the
corn moist and fresh. I always grill corn on the cob. Once it has been
partially shucked it's useless to me. I can't tell you how many times I
have watched people ripping open corn cobs and rejecting cobs that looked
good to me, but which are now ruined for grilling.