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Playa Playa is offline
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Default Eggtastic ceramic MW cooker recipes

On 8/25/2015 9:41 AM, Gary wrote:
> Mal Pais wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> Scramble your eggs in a bowl, add them to a hot pan that includes
>>> melted butter. Don't cook on high but on medium. Stir constantly
>>> as it cooks. Good scrambled eggs need to constantly scrambled
>>> even while cooking.

>> Oh no, I call BULLSHIT on that one, unless you like rubbery eggs.
>> The eggs should be added to a non-stick skillet over LOW heat with
>> melted butter to coat the cooking surface fully.
>> Gently roll the pan, allowing the eggs to form the equivalent of a crepe.
>> Keep on low heat and then very gently lift the eggs with a spatula and
>> roll the remaining liquid eggs gently, side to side, then lift and roll
>> again.
>> Remove from the pan when just barely done, gently to serving plate.
>> The eggs will be supremely moist but also cooked.
>> Bothering eggs for the whole time they cook makes them rubbery.

> I disagee. What I make are good and moist.

They may seem that way to you until you try this method.

You need enough heat to melt the butter and coat the pan, after that -
almost none.

If you think about it logically, bothering the eggs can only break the
curds up and make them tougher as more sides of the eggs hit the hot pan
and dry.

By allowing the eggs to gently and slowly cook crepe style you reduce
that process and allow a far more gentle saute which retains moisture,
instead of losing it.

Give it a try some time, You will not be disappointed.