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Dave Smith wrote:
> Psychotron wrote:
>>She cleaned up everything except for the pan. Like I
>>said... she doesn't like it. She wanted me to buy a
>>new non-stick pan and I came home with cast iron. Now
>>it's kinda "my baby". "You bought it, you clean it."

> Dang. I am beginning to think that some women should not be allowed in
> the kitchen, or that they should have their own utensils and leave ours
> alone. My wife has a bad habit of using high heat settings for non stick
> fry pans. She ruined every inexpensive non stick pan we had. I bought
> myself a really nice one and kept it hidden from her. She found it one
> day and was upset when I told her she couldn't use it. A few weeks later
> she used it. She ruined it. It now has a rounded bottom instead of
> flat. My mother gave me a nicer and much larger non stick pan. Despite
> being told not to use it on high heat, she went ahead and scorched the
> bottom of that one too.
> I told her to be careful of the ceramic top on the stove, not to slam
> stuff down on it and to be careful about water. One day, despite
> repeated warnings not to dump water into hot pans or pyrex, she dumped a
> bunch of water into a very hot cast iron fry pan. The water slopped all
> over, and now my ceramic stove top is cracked.

Wow! I would keep her out of the kitchen.