On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 12:16:12 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Ophelia wrote:
>> "Gary" wrote:
>> > Oh no! I seem to offended someone here again. What are the odds? :-o
>> You need to grow a thicker skin
)) Do you really care? You didn't set
>> out to be offensive.
>No I didn't set out to be offensive but sure enough, what's his name
>got offended. I was joking, not upset. Israel's definition of what
>is ketchup is so petty. That's why their taxes are so high just like
>every other country's taxes are too high. Politicians making rules as
>to the definition of ketchup. idiots in all countries.
Is that your real objection with all this? I suspect it's something
else, somehow.