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>"Tank" says:
>This year, I have noticed a number of grocery
>stores placing trash cans next to their sweet
>corn displays. This is for those people who
>feel it necessary to strip their corn there in
>the store. Are they placed there because the
>stores are knuckling under to rude people who
>peel back the ears to check them? What happened
>to being able to judge an ear without destroying
>it? What happened to simply taking the luck of
>the draw with your produce, as the human race
>has for thousands of years?
>Am I the only person who dislikes this trend?

You're just very, very young, not too smart and a bit of a smarmy wiseass. Not
long ago when there were no stupidmarkets, only stand alone neighborhood
greengrocers... and to ensure that local patrons returned the greengrocer would
peel back each ear of corn to be sure it was perfect before bagging it for the
patron. Do you really think folks are peeling back ears of corn at the
stupidmarket for entertainment? Folks are spending their time and effort to
ensure what they spend their hard earned money on is not trash. Actually the
stupidmarkets encourage the customers to check their own corn, saves them a
salary, and even were they to hire someone to husk corn do you really think the
store would instruct that person to sneak in the bad ones (probably how you
think, smarmy), of course not... don't be a moron you young punk... so how does
it feel to have your husks stripped away to show your worth?

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."