Just Mayo Spread Violates Mayonnaise and Label Rules, F.D.A. Says
On 2015-08-26 4:20 PM, sf wrote:
>> Will wonders never cease?
> Haven't the big boys been trying to bust their chops from the git-go?
> Hampton Creek will figure it out and beat Unilever at their own game.
> I have no ideology or allergy that drives me to purchase Just Mayo, I
> buy it because it's a superior tasting product. I see I'm not the
> only one who thinks it is, so they're definitely winning in the court
> of public opinion.
There is a great irony in the world of business. They talk about
capitalism and free enterprise and the need for competition to force
industry to be more efficient and competitive and to keep prices down.
Then they go around and buy up the competition. So much for the value of
competition. Capitalism seems to have a lot more to do with making money
off money and by buying businesses to sack their assets than it does
with efficiency in production.