Just Mayo Spread Violates Mayonnaise and Label Rules, F.D.A. Says
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2015 14:44:14 -0700, gtr > wrote:
>> On 2015-08-26 20:20:17 +0000, sf said:
>> > Haven't the big boys been trying to bust their chops from the git-go?
>> > Hampton Creek will figure it out and beat Unilever at their own game.
>> > I have no ideology or allergy that drives me to purchase Just Mayo, I
>> > buy it because it's a superior tasting product.
>> Where do you usually find it? I've yet to see it.
> The first time I tasted it, was at Whole Foods but even Safeway
> carries it now. Your version of Safeway in Southern Cal is Von's
> isn't it? Try looking for Just Mayo there.
Target has it and I have heard that Costco has it but I haven't seen it