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Default Just Mayo Spread Violates Mayonnaise and Label Rules, F.D.A. Says

On 2015-08-27 15:44:45 +0000, sf said:

>>>> When the price is low buy a year's worth.
>>> A bottle or two would be a year's worth in our house.

>> A bottle for us would be a 2-year supply. We've used Kewpie for many
>> years now. But as I say, we don't use it often.

> I've never tried that brand, can't say I've ever seen it on the shelf.
> Is it the mayo that goes with walnut shrimp in Chinese restaurants? I
> ask because it's "different", not that I want to rush out and buy it.

It's a Japanese brand. I'm unsure about it's use with walnut shrimp.
It's undoubtedly the brand you'll see baked on top of mussel's in a
Japanese restaurant, or any other dish in which they use mayo; perhaps
the zig-zag pattern on an okonomiyaki.

It's likely too expensive for any one to freely use in making a
mayo-based salad of some kind, but for the little use it's put to in
our home it works well.