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los Golondrinas los Golondrinas is offline
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Default Just Mayo Spread Violates Mayonnaise and Label Rules, F.D.A. Says

On 8/27/2015 12:06 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> My health food fanatic sister in law used to insist that sea salt was
> saltier than regular table salt. I never bought that argument

Because you're an IDIOT!

1. Is sea salt saltier than regular salt?

No. But it may _taste that way_ because the crystals in sea salt tend to
be larger, and larger crystals diffuse more slowly on the taste bud,
making the flavor last longer, says Michael Tordoff, who studies taste
perception and the physiology of salt at the Monell Chemical Senses
Center in Philadelphia. (See our related physics discussion in the post
on extending candy flavor.)

There are additional elements in sea salt that are not found in regular
table salt that could affect the flavor, like potassium, calcium and
magnesium, Tordoff says, but "they may add some bitterness," not saltiness.