Thread: Cooking safety
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Cooking safety

On Friday, August 28, 2015 at 8:29:56 AM UTC-10, Michel Boucher wrote:
> dsi1 <> wrote in
> :
> >> > What science says is if you leave food out, there is a
> >> > possibility that harmful microorganisms could gain a
> >> > foothold on your vittles to a bad result. It doesn't say
> >> > that it has to happen nor does it say that it's likely to
> >> > happen.
> >> What science says about food safety is of the utmost concern
> >> to the food trade, hospitality, and similar industries
> >> because it provides them with cover for their asses in the
> >> event of liability issues. Individuals are at liberty to take
> >> whatever risks they want, however foolhardy or otherwise
> >> those risks may be.
> >>

> > I totally agree with you there. The food safety rules are
> > important. What has that got to do with what I do at home?
> > There was food before there was refrigeration and I've never
> > gotten food poisoning with my "horrible" practices. What's the
> > problem?

> None whatsoever. My wife is a food paranoid. I have gotten her
> to the point where she doesn't throw something out because it has
> been out of the fridge for ten minutes. And although she has
> seen a good documentary on the corporate fiction of the "due
> date" on food (as opposed to checking it out (smell, appearance,
> etc.), she still cringes at the thought of eating yogurt that is
> two days past the due date as though that meant it turned to
> poison from one instant to the next. Clearly she does not trust
> her own sense to tell her when something has truly expired as
> opposed to fictitiously expired.
> I have been preparing her food for nigh on 28 years now and she
> has never been poisoned by anything I've put in front of her.
> Twenty eight years and still she doesn't entirely trust me. Ya
> got to wonder.
> Of course this is hardly an issue when compared to the growing
> trend in "gluten intolerance".
> --
> "If you are neutral in situations of injustice,
> you have chosen the side of the oppressor " --
> Desmond Tutu
> ---
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The fear of food is strong in this group. That's a real shame.