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Default Just Mayo Spread Violates Mayonnaise and Label Rules, F.D.A. Says

On 2015-08-28 17:48:17 +0000, cshenk said:

>> It's a Japanese brand. I'm unsure about it's use with walnut shrimp.
>> It's undoubtedly the brand you'll see baked on top of mussel's in a
>> Japanese restaurant, or any other dish in which they use mayo;
>> perhaps the zig-zag pattern on an okonomiyaki.
>> It's likely too expensive for any one to freely use in making a
>> mayo-based salad of some kind, but for the little use it's put to in
>> our home it works well.

> Actually it's normal priced in Japan.

Of course it is. Here it's a specialty product available only at
limited numbers of stores. I'm assuming it is WAY overpriced in, say,

> Same as your standard USA versions here. It's one of the few Japan
> foods I didnt adapt to when we lived there though. It has a higher
> 'tang' (more vinegar?) and that didnt go over well for us. It's good
> point though is it emphatically is not a 'sweetened mayo'.

What were some of your more significant adaptations?

> I wouldnt go out of my way to get it unless moracle whimp was the other
> thing you could get.

I would whole-heartedly recommend going out of your way to purchaseit,
but it only if you like it. Which, of course we do.