I just USED my "new" vintage KitchenAid A9 coffee mill, and ILOVE IT!!
On Sat, 29 Aug 2015 09:43:21 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> John Kuthe wrote:
>> > A LITTLE money? Do you have any idea what the trade deficit was last
>> > year between the U.S. and China? Here, let me elucidate for you:
>> I was comparing me spending $39.95 on a cheap Chinese appliance with
>> the several million that my company gets from China, not the entire
>> balance of trade figures.
>With all of his degrees, John should still take a few college classes
>in economics. Closing down our borders and buying only US products
>failed long ago. Unions here were part of the problem. At first they
>saved the lowly workers but later on, they got greedy. US companies
>went oversea to make the same product cheaper. That's just smart
>business when trying to keep stockholders investing and happy.
>It's pretty much a global economy now. This is why we have a good
>variety of food available all year now rather than just in season
It's always been a global economy. Humans have traveled around the
globe to trade. But with the atrocious regulatory (or lack theeof!)
structure we have today, China is profiting handsomely for a
"communist" country!!
Communist, socialist, democratoc, etc, all that hardly matters. We are
all worshiping the One True God we made for ourselves, the proverbial
Golden Calf. The relatively unbridled Worship of Mammon!! :-(
John Kuthe...