Spice: "Cominos" vs. "cumin"?
OK, here's the recipe. As I recall, the chili is something of an acquired taste - but most chilis taste better after a day in the fridge, anyway.
Page 67.
Brown in a large, heavy skillet
4 chopped onions
2 cloves garlic
and, when brown, add
2 tablespoons each
2 #2 cans Italian tomatoes (a #2 can means 20 oz. or 18 fluid oz.)
2 cups water
Chili powder to taste
Cook slowly for about 5 minutes, and add
4 tablespoons sugar
2 squares bitter chocolate
1 tablespoon of salt
Cook slowly, covered, for one hour. Make meatballs from
1 lb. ground beef
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup crushed cornflakes
and brown them in a little oil. When the sauce is ready, add the meatballs and
1 #2 can kidney beans
Cover again, and cook slowly for one more hour. Serve on rice.