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KenK KenK is offline
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Default HATE SAFEWAY my punishment for being honest

Mark Thorson > wrote in news:55E50F83.141BDE26

> I try not to buy anything from Safeway
> because of the ways they rip off their
> customers, but I wanted a piece of my
> favorite cheese which isn't available
> anywhere else nearby.
> The piece I selected was $5.26. I was
> hoping I had $0.26 in change, so Safeway
> wouldn't load me down with nickels and
> dimes, but no such luck. I did have a
> penny, so giving them $20.01 gets me to
> the nearest quarter.
> As expected, I only get two quarters in
> change, but then two dimes and four pennies
> come out. I gave the idiot checker $20.01
> but he entered it as $21. I tried to
> explain his error, and he tried more than
> once to give me the errant dollar.
> I should have taken it. When I tried to
> exchange the $0.24 for the quarter he
> owed me, he couldn't do it. The change
> drawer had been replaced right between
> the previous customer and me, and the new
> one had no quarters at all! He had a penny,
> so I ended up with two dimes and five pennies.
> He hardly had any change at all in the new
> drawer.
> I will never do that again. Other stores
> don't rip off their customers like Safeway
> does. They are a criminal organization.
> They deserve to lose whatever monies their
> minimum IQ employees give away. I should
> have taken that dollar and I'll never make
> that mistake again!

Blame the school arithmetic teaching, not Safeway.

You know it's time to clean the refrigerator
when something closes the door from the inside.