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"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> Gabby wrote:

> > And what makes you think that's not her ultimate aim? Early in our

> > I ironed my husband's military uniform pants -- badly. He never *let*

> > iron his uniform again. My mission in life is to teach every military

> > my trick.

> LOL.

I have to admit that I had never set out to screw it up but since the
results were so satisfying I never said "Let me try again, I swear I'll do
better." Besides, he'd been ironing his uniforms for years before we got
married and MY uniforms didn't need ironing, I always bought permanent

> My wife used to get upset about the way I did laundry. I thought that I
> had a good system. Whites went with whites in hot water

Ouch! That hot load could include would include bras and fine undies.

, bright colours went
> with other bright colours in cold, and darks also got cold water. I used

to do
> my own laundry. It was rare to have anything white, so all the rest went

into a
> cold water wash. Apparently, I was supposed to separate the towels and

> heavy things that took longer to dry. I am still trying to figure out why

> cared. I would have thought that any woman would be happy that her husband

> doing laundry.

I'd be more than happy if mine did -- or at least told me he needed
something done before the weekend.

> One day I screwed up and was the biggest idiot in the world, or so she

> have me believe. I went through he laundry hamper, took out her dainties,
> separated the darks from the whites and did a load of laundry. After it

> washed I stuck it in the dryer. I thought that I was doing her a favour

> throwing her good wool skirt in with my load of darks. How was I supposed

> know that it was not to be machine washed or worse... dried in the drier.

So, was your daughter happy with Barbie's new skirt?

> Apparently, it had to be dry cleaned. AFAIAC, anything that is not

supposed to
> be washed should not be thrown into a laundry hamper.

As a rule I wash towels separately since they don't dry fast but if I only
have a few I'll throw them in to top off a load -- unless said load has knit
shirts that I don't want to have 'pill'. I usually do everything in warm
except clothes that specifically say 'cold'. So my loads are

lights (with delicate undies in mesh bags and hung to dry)
lights cold
darks cold
Dish rags & towels hot with bleach

My sons do their own laundry. Both have learned that, should they come upon
a freshly washed load still in the washer, they are to look at the water
selection dial. If it says cold wash they are not ever to throw that load
in the drier, they are to hang every piece on the clothes drying rack.

The younger one washes all his clothes in cold and hangs most of it. He
still lives at home and can do that easily.

The older one buys all his clothes at thrift shops and washes everything in
warm and throws it in the drier. Since he's at university, living in
residence, it's the only option that makes sense else he'd have wet clothes
hanging all over his dorm room.
