Were you up late to see any of this overhead?
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) -
Many residents across the state observed unusual streaks of light or a
€śfireball€ť over Hawaiian skies late Sunday night, raising questions
about what it could possibly be.
People from Kona to Oahu's North Shore thought it was a meteor or
government experiment. Turns out, it was just junk. Space junk.
An abandoned Russian spy satellite -- the Cosmos 1315 -- which launched
in 1981 fell to earth, burning up as it did.
"When it starts to re-enter the atmosphere its going about 18,000 miles
an hour," says University of Hawaii astronomer Richard Wainscoat, "A lot
of it is going to get vaporized but if there are really big pieces then
some of them may make it down to the earth's surface."
Wainscoat actually missed the spectacular event.
"I'm pretty annoyed that I was asleep when this happened."