>Katra says:
>>notbob wrote:
>> >Steve Calvin wrote:
>> >
>> > I gave up on pre-packaged bacon. I'm lucky enough to have an
>> > "old-time" butcher in my area and buy slab bacon. They'll either
>> > slice it to my specs....
>> I'm with you. Unfortunately, all the supers hereabouts have ceased selling
>> bacon in bulk. I used to get it everywhere. Now I can't get it anywhere
>> without going out of town. Just one more reason I'll gleefully shred their
>> damn covered-window packages! 
>> nb
>We are fortunate...
>The thick sliced "generic" hill country brand is packaged all in a clear
>plastic block.
>No stoopid carboard packages to hide what you are buying. ;-)
Appearance has little to do with bacon quality, certainly nothing to do with
how it will taste. All those little windows tell you is fat to lean ratio, but
only of that one slice, no way to tell if the lean tapers off drastically two
slices down... appearance means zilch since all sliced bacon has those windows.
And buying bulk bacon is no recommendation either, it's almost always
unlabled, a cheap generic that the consumer pays dearly for the privileged of
having it sliced to order, that's it. If you want good bacon, search for a
brand name you like, and then you'll get consistancy. I like Boar's Head brand
bacon... never been disappointed.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."