Thread: perogies?
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hahabogus > wrote in message >.. .
> (Victor Sack) wrote in
> :
> > This sounds mighty tasty, but appears to be Ukranian-Canadian info and,
> > I'm afraid, has very little to do with what takes place in the Ukraine
> > proper...
> >

> It isn't Ukranian-Canadian info either. They offer Ukranian as a second
> language in the local school districts. And the local Babas sell perogies
> to raise money for the Onion Domed church projects. And I've never seen
> this way. Even if my spelling sucks. Perhaps it is from the UK?

This is like saying "it isn't Chinese". It's a diverse culture,
whether here in NA or there, in Ukraine. Onion Domed churches? Ahh.
Errrr... ok. Did they have the Orthodox cross or the Christian cross
on the dome? Were the babas from Galician or Bukovinian descent?

I will not eat any pyroghy that is not home made. The commercial ones
I have tasted are like rubber pellets. The dough is tough, tasteless
and too thick. The filling usually has potato flakes and powdered
cheddar. They are too large. They are too greasy.

Food that comes from a private kitchen will most assuredly be
different from food that comes from a commercial kitchen where
standardization applies, and consideration for profit affects raw
ingredient choices. Of course there are some fine kitchens that will
turn out good pyroghy. And they *can* be church fundraisers. Just not
likely. Not in my experience.
