Jacques Pepin - New Cooking Show
Robert wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> "Brooklyn1" wrote in message
> ...
> > I guarantee my cutlery skills are twice as fast as both of them
> > together... I can bone a 20 pound fresh ham in under 30 seconds,
> > smoked 20 seconds... I've had more practice, and I'm far more
> > physically fit, not everyone can sling heavy hunks of meat like
> > they're chicken eggs... think about four hams/four turkeys per
> > roasting pan... btw, I can crack eggs four at a time, feeding 400
> > hundred hungry men in under 25 minutes you learn how... and I can in
> > heavy seas with greenies washing over the bridge... those two skinny
> > wimps would be in the head wrapped around a commode dry heaving and
> > crying for their mommies. Those two are not real cooks, both are
> > absolute fakes. I've not seen anyone on foodtv who can do real
> > cooking, none would know where to begin feeding 400 four times a day
> > including baking breads, pies, cakes, cookies, etc... those two
> > fools would lie down whimpering with their thumbs up their ass.
> > Probably up each others ass... Pepin is obviously a faggot.
> >
> >
> Seriously Your feeding 400 cats four times a day? Your in a whole new
> category of crazy cat lady;-)
> Robert
Smile, he lacks telling you he was not alone. He's shown enough to see
over time that he actually was Navy and worked in the cooking area.
It's not clear if he was an FSA who 'fit there best so stayed longer'
but was actually not a CS (used to be called MS) rate. Maybe he was,
maybe not.
A good Chief will assist someone in swapping rates (job fields) if the
one they are in didn't fit. I assisted 2 of mine to become CS's
(cooks) because it clearly made them happier.
What i can tell (and other Navy have mentioned) is he clearly lacks the
upper management level of that job. Thats no slam as he's no 20 year
retired vet. He did 1, maybe 2 tours at most. His knowledge level
seems E4 or junior E5. There's nothing wrong with that. Many people
move on and maybe he inherited that estate about then and moved on?
Dunno. Most here have no military service at all.
That said, I wish he'd chill out on some of the posts but as said, I am
not his mommie.