Chicken Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings
In article >,
" > wrote:
> On Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 6:00:05 AM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
> >
> > I'm tired of waiting for it to be officially Fall. It's still in the 90
> > degree (F) range most days around here. Dammit, I don't care. It's
> > September. I want to make stew. With dumplings. Sunday seems to be a
> > good chicken stew with dumplings day.
> >
> > Jill
> >
> >
> My mother used to cook a pork roast and then make
> cornmeal dumplings out of the pot liquor. I don't
> have a clue how she did it though. She originally
> got the recipe from her sister-in-law in Amarillo.
Here's my aunt's recipe. I've never made them (due to the narrow minds
of those I have to feed), but I've had them and they're really good:
Kate's Cornmeal Dumplings
2 ham hocks, cracked by butcher
1 1/2-2 cups white cornmeal
1 tsp. salt
boiling water
pepper, to taste
Simmer ham hocks in about 2 quarts water until very tender. Remove
hocks, and when cool enough to handle, pull apart and shred meat;
Put cornmeal and salt in large bowl. Pour 1 cup boiling broth over meal.
Mix, and add more broth until meal is a stiff, mush-like mass. (Too
little broth makes the dumplings dry; try for something about like
really thick concrete).
Wet hands in cold water and form meal into golf-ball sized dumplings.
drop into boiling broth, reduce heat, and simmer about 30 minutes or
until done (cut into one to test doneness). Add "loose" cornmeal to
broth to thicken, cook another 10 to 15 minutes, add reserved ham (plus
more, if desired), season with pepper (and possibly salt) to taste, and
serve with broth.
Goes well with sliced tomatoes, green onions and pinto beans.