Chicken Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings
On 2015-09-07 11:25:59 +0000, Gary said:
>>> When I was growing up, dumplings were always drop dumplings. I never ran
>>> across these noodles on steroids until fairly recently. Just lucky, I
>>> gues...
>> So far the only contact I've had with them are mentions here in rfc.
> I assume that dumplings are a southern thing and they are a cheap
> filler for meals that need to be kept inexpensive.
South of the polar cap, yeah. Dumplings are made all over the world;
anywhere they have flour and water. There is a dumpling in every
country in Europe or Asia, and know of none in Africa, but I'm sure
they are there. Sometimes they wrap up a little, sometimes they wrap up
I think a lot of "Sourther food" is typified by poverty and "poor
folks" food. Like chitlins, grits and greens. But there are poor folks
all over the planet with little but flour and water and a little fuel
with which to make food.