On 9/7/2015 11:35 AM, Janet B wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Sep 2015 11:24:03 -0600, Shalako > wrote:
>> On 9/7/2015 11:07 AM, Janet B wrote:
> snip
>>> I have my mother's recipe for liver dumpling soup. It is much more
>>> liver than that. I love liver dumpling soup but don't have it often.
>>> Janet US
>> Now THAT is unique!
>> Never heard of such a soup.
> a very common German soup
> Janet US
I confess to being pretty weak on German cuisine, but you're on the
money again - it is a regional specialty:
Liver Dumplings
Also Known As: Leberknödel
Liver dumplings are dumplings made from calf's or beef liver, along with
onions, bread, and herbs and spices. Some recipes also include bacon.
Region: Bavaria (Bayern), Palatinate (Pfalz)